 Imperial Guards guarding the Ming Emperor Jiajing (1522-1567, who is not shown here), wielding a sword-polearm with a handle vs blade ratio of 1:1---This weapon was known as Tiger Tooth Dao (huyadao) in the Qing Dynasty. A shorter version of this sword-polearm was used by Chinese Nationalist and Communist military forces in the 1920s-40s. Refer to below pics.
 These sword-polearms are slightly different: unlike the sword-polearms shown in the 1st pic, these blades have a dorsal spike, but still having a handle vs blade ratio of roughly 1:1.
Click on the pic below to view pics of another "Da Dao"....

According to Scott Rodell, the 2-handed "Da Dao" was used by Nationalist troops in the 1930s-40s as a close-quarters weapon during planned ambushes on Japanese soldiers in appropriate terrain such as tall grass or paddy fields, and by artillery soldiers to defend themselves when their lines are over-run by the enemy. The Chinese Red Army was also similarly equipped. The weapon was a direct descendent of the Ming Dynasty sword-polearms shown above.
Pictures From Left to Right:
first row: 1930s-40s Nationalist (Kuomintang) soldier with the "Da Dao"
1920s Warlord soldier with the "Da Dao" strapped behind his back but the ring pommel handle is clearly seen
Nationalist Army No. 29 Corps soldier with his weapon slung on his right shoulder
Modern day mainland Chinese practitioner of the "Da Dao"
second row: Elite "Da Dao" squads of the Nationalist Army No. 29 Corps with their weapons drawn, ready for a close-quarters showdown with the Japanese Army. Note that there are more men of the same unit down the row with their weapons drawn as well.
Soldier of the Nationalist Army No. 29 Corps taking aim with his rifle and with his "Da Dao" slung behind his back, at the Marco Polo Bridge in Beijing in 1937, just before the onset of the Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945).
third row: An original standard issue Nationalist Army "Da Dao" with its leather scabbard, with a handle vs blade ratio of 1:1. Note the Nationalist Party symbol on the scabbard near the scabbard mouth. The 4 Chinese characters on the blade state: "Destroy the Communists and Resist the Japanese".